Given current travel and gathering restrictions still in place I unfortunately have to cancel the Dispatches Adventure Ride for 2020. While not completely unexpected, it is still disappointing. Planning for the cross Canada ride in 2021 has already begun and you can expect announcements this summer.

PROCEEDING AS SCHEDULED – Final determination for Bomb The Bruce will be made on June 18th and based upon travel restrictions and what is socially responsible at that time.

PROCEEDING AS SCHEDULED – Final determination for Bomb The Bruce will be made on August 12th and based upon travel restrictions and what is socially responsible at that time.

If you have preregistered for either Bomb The Bruce or Blue Mountain Bomber you can elect for refund or transfer of registration to another event.

We understand that at this time personal circumstances can change for any one of us and some may not be able to attend scheduled events. With that in mind, any events or activities that anyone has prepaid the registration fee, such as BOMB THE BRUCE or BLUE MOUNTAIN BOMBER will be eligible for refunds if they cannot attend.

Thank you all for your support!

We look forward to seeing you out on the trail!